
b. (presumably) 1925, Egypt
d. (presumably) 1965

Ibrahim Massouda was born in Egypt. Conflicting accounts list his date of birth as 1925 and 1938 respectively, with most suggesting the former. His suspected date of death may be in or around 1965. Massouda studied at the School of Fine Arts in Cairo, after which point, he developed a distinctive impressionistic style—often painting scenes of political sacrifice. He was a later addition to the country’s Art and Liberty Group, also recognised as the Egyptian Surrealists, before becoming an active member of Egypt’s Group of Contemporary Art, formed circa 1945. 


Works exhibited in Hamburg:

Untitled 7 (Early 1950’s)


Works exhibited in Sharjah: 

Untitled 6 (Early 1950’s)

Untitled 7 (Early 1950’s)

participating artists